10 fundamental principles for the reconstruction in Ukraine Ukrainian museums ask for decisions already now “Ukraine should become the best place to live, work and visit.” This is the key demand put forward by more than hundred Ukrainian museums who met at the conference "From Crisis to Future. New Responsibilities for Museums in Ukraine" on May 28 / 29 in Berlin.

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It was the largest conference of Ukrainian museums since the Russian aggression in 2014. Over 180 institutions from Ukraine, Germany, and Poland gathered at the James Simon Gallery (on Museum Island) for three days to discuss the needs and role of Ukrainian museums in the process of rebuilding Ukraine. Ukraine should become the “most inclusive country in the world.” The event will be a preparatory conference for the Ukraine Recovery Conference on June 11-12 in Berlin, and - for the first time - was held under the patronage of the governments of Ukraine, Germany, and Poland.
"For the first time in three years, at a conference dedicated to the reconstruction of Ukraine, culture and heritage finally had a voice and the opportunity to be heard," said Anastasia Bondar, Vice Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. “The Ukrainian culture is shelled by Russia - in a literal sense. The fact that, in spite of the war, many actors of the civil society and the cultural sector either stayed or meanwhile returned, shows the the Ukrainian society’s impressive ability to resist. The courage and determination of the Ukrainian people set an example. Germany is convinced of the power of cultural identity and resilience motivated by democratic convictions. Therefore, we will put questions of the reconstruction of all aspects of society into the Focus of the Ukraine Recovery Conference on June 11 / 12 in Berlin”, underlined Tobias Lindner, State Minister in the German Foreign Office. The central focus of the conference was a catalog of 10 proposals prepared by Ukrainian museums during online workshops organized by the OBMIN Foundation. The museums want to be included in the process of Ukraine's reconstruction, serving as a platform for dialogue to strengthen civil society. Accessibility will play an important role in this.
"It’s a first success that these proposals will be presented by the OBMIN Foundation at the annual UNESCO conference in Vilnius on June 6-7 and will also be included in the work of the Berlin Ukraine Recovery Conference on June 11-12," informed Małgorzata Ławrowska – von Thadden, president of the OBMIN Foundation. The conference was organized by the OBMIN Foundation in collaboration with the Ukrainian Institute in Germany and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Partners included the Ernst von Siemens Art Foundation, the Polish Institute in Berlin, the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, and the Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe. Many partners made this conference possible:
Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban development and Building
Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
Gerda Henkel Foundation
GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Open Society Foundation
Kul'tura e.V.
Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation