Museums aren’t just buildings and art. Museums are a reflection of the individuals who dedicate themselves to their preservation.

These individuals are the silent heroes, the pillars upholding Ukrainian culture, who work tirelessly to promote the rich cultural heritage of Ukraine, especially during these challenging times. On 19th of February 2024, we hosted the "Filling Blind Spots. The Role of Museums for the Future of Ukraine" panel, with Anastasia Bondar the Deputy Minister for Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, and Kai-Olaf Lang Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), at Café Kyiv 2024, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin. "If there weren‘t our language and our culture, Ukraine would just be a piece of land.“ that was Anastasia Bondar‘s main message during the discussion with Kai-Olaf Lang