The National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide preserves the memory of the victims of the Holodomor and highlights the history of the genocide of the Ukrainian nation in 1932-1933. The museum serves as a center for honoring the memory of millions of Ukrainians destroyed by the communist totalitarian regime during the Holodomor. The museum's highest mission is to warn society about the crime of genocide by accumulating and disseminating knowledge about the Holodomor. The Holodomor Museum teaches to resist hatred and human rights violations. Through its activities, it fosters the protection of human dignity and democratic values and prevents genocide crimes by cultivating tolerance, a sense of moral responsibility towards upholding all norms of law and freedoms in citizens. The museum plays an important role in the civic education of the younger generation, shaping awareness of the necessity to preserve the Ukrainian State as one of the main ways to protect against genocide. An important task of the Holodomor Museum is to remind people of Ukrainian identity, which was attempted to be replaced by the Soviet regime. The museum acts as a mediator in the process of transmitting memories and information about the Holodomor, demonstrating the connection between generations of the Ukrainian nation and preserving the memory of the attempted destruction. The knowledge about the history of the Holodomor provided by the museum raises moral questions - fostering respect for the memory of the victims, empathy, and a reassessment of one's own views on life, which is the highest value.