Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore
Chernihiv Regional Museum named after Vasyl Tarnovsky
Prykarpattia Art Museum, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Art Museum
Kharkiv Art Museum
Historical and Memorial Museum of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Kyiv
National Museum in Lviv named after Andrey Sheptytsky
Mykolaiv Regional Art Museum named after Vasyl Vereshchagin
Volhyn Museum of Local Lore
Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after Yavornytsky
Bilytskyi Local History Museum
Chernihiv Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve of Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky
Novomoskovsk City Historical and Local History Museum named after Petro Kalnyshevsky in Samara
Ivano-Frankivsk Local Lore Museum
Taras Shevchenko National Museum
Lviv Historical Museum
Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local History
Kremenchuk Local History Museum
Kharkiv Historical Museum named after M.F. Sumtsov
Gorokhiv Historical Museum
Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named after Grigory Galahan
Rusiv Literary and Memorial Museum of Vasyl Stefanyk
National Science and Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv
Historical and Local Lore Museum of Lviv
Museum of the History of the City of Kamianske
Balakliya Local Lore Museum
Historical Museum of Ivanychy
First Museum of the History of Uniforms in Kremenchuk
Museum of Shipbuilding and the Fleet in Mykolaiv
Literary-Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko
National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World - War. Memorial Complex in Kyiv
Lviv Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum
Solomiya Krushelnytska Music Memorial Museum in Lviv
Bashtan Museum of Local Lore
Barvinkiv Local Lore Museum
Ethnographic Museum of Khata-Grazhda in Kryvorivnia
National Memorial Complex of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred - Museum of the Revolution of Dignity in
Lviv Museum of the History of Religion
Ochakiv Museum of Marine Painting named after R.G. Sudkovsky
City Museum K. I. Shulzhenko in Kharkiv
Ancient Chernihiv National Architectural and Historical Reserve
I.Y. Repin Art-Memorial Museum in Chuhuiv
National Museum of Decorative Arts of Ukraine in Kyiv
Leopold Levytsky Memorial Art Museum in Lviv
Novgorod-Siversky Museum-Reserve "The Song of Igor's Campaign"
National Museum of the History of Ukraine in Kyiv
Oleksa Novakivsky Memorial Art Museum in Lviv
National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide in Kyiv
National Conservation Area "St. Sophia Cathedral" in Kyiv
Olena Kulchytska Art and Memorial Museum in Lviv
National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv
Art Museum "Sokalshchyna" in Chervonohrad
Museum Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Kryvorivnia
National Chornobyl Museum in Kyiv
The Historical Complex of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv
History and Local Lore Museum of "Hutsulshchyna" in Verkhovyna
Ivan Trush Art and Memorial Museum in Lviv
Kyiv Regional Archeological Museum in Trypillia
Museum of Karaite History and Culture in Halych
Kherson Regional Art Museum named after Oleksiy Shovkunenko
Brodivsky Historical and Local Lore Museum
Rzhyshchiv Museum of Archeology and Local History
Church of the Holy Spirit in Rohatyn
Khmelnytskyi Regional Art Museum
Museum "Drohobychyna" in Drohobych
Khmelnytskyi Regional Museum of Local Lore
Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum-Reserve
Ethno Laboratory "Baba Yelka" in Kropyvnytskyi
State Polytechnic Museum in Kyiv
The Yosaphat Kobrynskyi National Museum of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttia Folk Art
Mykhailo Bilas Art Museum in Truskavets
Slavutych City and Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant Museum
The Easter Egg Museum
State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Naguyevychi"
Kosiv Museum of Folk Art and Rural Life of Hutsul Region
Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Boykivshchyna" in Sambir
Museum of the Resort Town of Truskavets
Izyum Museum of Local History after M.V. Sibiliov
Krasnograd Local Lore Museum named after P.D. Martinovich
Loziv Local History Museum
National Literary and Memorial Museum of H.S. Skovoroda in Skovorodynivka
Luhansk Regional Museum of Local Lore
Historical and local history department of the Yampil Museum of Fine Arts
National Museum of Military History of Slobozhanshchyna in Solonytsivka
Museum of Precious and Decorative Stones in Khorosiv
"City Museum" city of Rubizhne
Okhtyrka City Local History Museum
Lysychansk City Museum of Local History
Pervomaysk Local History Museum
Popasna Museum of Local Lore named after Semen Iofe
Donetsk Regional Art Museum
Donetsk Regional Local History Museum
Sakhnovshchyna Local Lore Museum
Novopskov Regional Museum of Local Lore
Pokrovsky Historical Museum
Slobozhansky Regional Museum
Slovyiansk Museum of Local Lore
Valkiv Museum of Local Lore
State Historical and Architectural Reserve in the City of Sviatohirsk
Vovchan Historical and Local History Museum
Zmijiv Museum of Local Lore
Olexandr Bilyi Museum of Fine Arts in Chornomorsk
Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art
National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Chyhyryn”
"Khortytsia" National Conservation Area
Igor Stravinsky Museum in Volyn
Kamin-Kashyrskyi Local Lore Museum
Kortelisy Historical Museum
Kovel Historical Museum
Lesya Ukrainka Manor Museum in Kolodyazhny
Lopatensky Historical and Natural Museum Complex
Luboml Local Lore Museum
Manevychi Local History Museum
Museum of Agricultural History of Volyn - Skansen
Rozhyshche Museum of History and Local Lore
Torchyn Historical Museum named after H.O. Hurtovyy
Volodymyr Historical Museum named after Omelyan Dvernitsky
Melitopol Museum Of Local Lore, under occupation
Russia’s war on Ukraine not only aims at conquering it but also at annihilating the Ukrainian identity. Therefore, the countless destructions of Ukrainian art and culture are not collateral damage but a core part of Russian warfare.
This is why OBMIN was founded in summer 2022 as a platform for Ukrainian museums and got set up as a foundation in Warsaw in December 2022.
As of today, 143 museums from all parts of Ukraine are represented on this platform – large and internationally renowned ones like the Maidan Museum or World War II Museum, both in Kyiv, and lesser ones, e.g. depicting regional history and culture.
This is why OBMIN was founded in summer 2022 as a platform for Ukrainian museums and got set up as a foundation in Warsaw in December 2022.
As of today, 143 museums from all parts of Ukraine are represented on this platform – large and internationally renowned ones like the Maidan Museum or World War II Museum, both in Kyiv, and lesser ones, e.g. depicting regional history and culture.
OBMIN (Ukrainian for exchange) follows 3 main objectives:
- on short term: targeting support and survival aid for Ukrainian museums and their employees.
- on mid term: organizing exchange between these museums on shared topics and providing offers on how to further professionalize their work, e.g. via digitalizing their art objects.
- on mid and long term: promoting the knowledge and understanding of Ukrainian art and culture outside of Ukraine as part of the common European cultural heritage.
To wojna na wyniszczenie narodu, a w takiej wojnie walka o kulturę ma znaczenie fundamentalne. Dlatego Rosjanie tak metodycznie i na taką skalę niszczą i wywożą z Ukrainy dzieła sztuki.
Żeby wesprzeć ukraińskie muzea, latem 2022 roku stworzyliśmy platformę OBMIN, która w grudniu 2022 roku przekształciła się w fundację. Obecnie w naszej sieci jest już 143 ukraińskich muzeów, poszkodowanych w czasie wojny. Są to zarówno duże i cieszące się międzynarodową renomą instytucje, takie jak Muzeum Majdanu czy Muzeum II Wojny Światowej, jak i mniejsze, regionalne.
Żeby wesprzeć ukraińskie muzea, latem 2022 roku stworzyliśmy platformę OBMIN, która w grudniu 2022 roku przekształciła się w fundację. Obecnie w naszej sieci jest już 143 ukraińskich muzeów, poszkodowanych w czasie wojny. Są to zarówno duże i cieszące się międzynarodową renomą instytucje, takie jak Muzeum Majdanu czy Muzeum II Wojny Światowej, jak i mniejsze, regionalne.
OBMIN znaczy „wymiana”. Fundacja realizuje trzy główne cele:
- wsparcie i pomoc w przetrwaniu dla ukraińskich muzeów i ich pracowników
- umożliwienie wymiany wiedzy i doświadczeń, organizowanie szkoleń, m.in. z digitalizacji zbiorów
- promowanie ukraińskiej sztuki i kultury poza granicami Ukrainy, jako części wspólnego europejskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego.
Війна Росії проти України спрямована не лише на її завоювання, а й на знищення української ідентичності. Тому численні знищення українського мистецтва та культури є не супутньою шкодою, а скоріше основною частиною російської моделі ведення війни.
Саме тому OBMIN було засновано влітку 2022 року, як платформу для українських музеїв, і створено, як фонд у Варшаві, в грудні 2022 року.
На сьогоднішній день на цій платформі представлено 143 музеїв з усіх куточків України – великих і всесвітньо відомих, як-от Музей Майдану чи Другої світової війни, обидва у Києві, так і менших, наприклад регіональні та історико-краєзнавчі.
Саме тому OBMIN було засновано влітку 2022 року, як платформу для українських музеїв, і створено, як фонд у Варшаві, в грудні 2022 року.
На сьогоднішній день на цій платформі представлено 143 музеїв з усіх куточків України – великих і всесвітньо відомих, як-от Музей Майдану чи Другої світової війни, обидва у Києві, так і менших, наприклад регіональні та історико-краєзнавчі.
OBMIN (українською обмін) має 3 основні цілі:
- в короткостроковій перспективі: цільова підтримка та допомога виживання українських музеїв та їхніх працівників;
- у середньостроковій перспективі: організація обміну між цими музеями спільними темами та надання пропозицій щодо подальшої професіоналізації їхньої роботи, наприклад, шляхом оцифрування своїх витворів мистецтва;
- у середньостроковій та довгостроковій перспективах: сприяння пізнанню та розумінню українського мистецтва та культури за межами України, як частини спільної європейської культурної спадщини.e.
Who have
Cherkasy Region
National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Chyhyryn”
Chernihiv Region
Chernihiv Regional Museum named after Vasyl Tarnovsky
Chernihiv Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve of Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky
Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named after Grigory Galahan
Ancient Chernihiv National Architectural and Historical Reserve
Novgorod-Siversky Museum-Reserve "The Song of Igor's Campaign"
National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Hetman's Capital", Chernihiv
Chernihiv Literary Memorial Museum-Reserve of Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky
Chernihiv Regional Art Museum named after Grigory Galahan
Ancient Chernihiv National Architectural and Historical Reserve
Novgorod-Siversky Museum-Reserve "The Song of Igor's Campaign"
National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Hetman's Capital", Chernihiv
Dnipropetrovsk Region
Dnipropetrovsk National Historical Museum named after Yavornytsky
Novomoskovsk City Historical and Local History Museum named after Petro Kalnyshevsky in Samara
Museum of the History of the City of Kamianske
Museum of Jewish People Culture and Holocaust History "Mikhail Marmer Museum”, Kryvyi Rih
Zhovti Vody Historical Museum
Novomoskovsk City Historical and Local History Museum named after Petro Kalnyshevsky in Samara
Museum of the History of the City of Kamianske
Museum of Jewish People Culture and Holocaust History "Mikhail Marmer Museum”, Kryvyi Rih
Zhovti Vody Historical Museum
Donetsk Region
Donetsk Regional Art Museum
Donetsk Regional Local History Museum
Pokrovsky Historical Museum
Slovyiansk Museum of Local Lore
State Historical and Architectural Reserve in the City of Sviatohirsk
Museum of the History of Mykilske Village of Vuhledarsk City-Territorial Community of Volnovaskyi Di
Museum of the History of the Toretsk Urban Territorial Community
Donetsk Regional Local History Museum
Pokrovsky Historical Museum
Slovyiansk Museum of Local Lore
State Historical and Architectural Reserve in the City of Sviatohirsk
Museum of the History of Mykilske Village of Vuhledarsk City-Territorial Community of Volnovaskyi Di
Museum of the History of the Toretsk Urban Territorial Community
Ivano-Frankivsk Region
Prykarpattia Art Museum, Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Art Museum
Ivano-Frankivsk Local Lore Museum
Rusiv Literary and Memorial Museum of Vasyl Stefanyk
Literary-Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko
Ethnographic Museum of Khata-Grazhda in Kryvorivnia
Museum Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Kryvorivnia
History and Local Lore Museum of "Hutsulshchyna" in Verkhovyna
Museum of Karaite History and Culture in Halych
Church of the Holy Spirit in Rohatyn
The Yosaphat Kobrynskyi National Museum of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttia Folk Art
The Easter Egg Museum
Kosiv Museum of Folk Art and Rural Life of Hutsul Region
Museum of Etnography and Ecology of Carpathian Region, Yaremche
Ivano-Frankivsk Local Lore Museum
Rusiv Literary and Memorial Museum of Vasyl Stefanyk
Literary-Memorial Museum of Ivan Franko
Ethnographic Museum of Khata-Grazhda in Kryvorivnia
Museum Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Kryvorivnia
History and Local Lore Museum of "Hutsulshchyna" in Verkhovyna
Museum of Karaite History and Culture in Halych
Church of the Holy Spirit in Rohatyn
The Yosaphat Kobrynskyi National Museum of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttia Folk Art
The Easter Egg Museum
Kosiv Museum of Folk Art and Rural Life of Hutsul Region
Museum of Etnography and Ecology of Carpathian Region, Yaremche
Kirovohrad Region
Ethno Laboratory "Baba Yelka" in Kropyvnytskyi
Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Studies, Kropyvnytski
Svitlovodsk City Museum of Local Lore, Svitlovodsk
Museum of the History of Chervona Kamianka, Chervona Kamianka
Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Studies, Kropyvnytski
Svitlovodsk City Museum of Local Lore, Svitlovodsk
Museum of the History of Chervona Kamianka, Chervona Kamianka
Kharkiv Region
Kharkiv Art Museum
Kharkiv Historical Museum named after M.F. Sumtsov
Balakliya Local Lore Museum
Barvinkiv Local Lore Museum
City Museum K. I. Shulzhenko in Kharkiv
I.Y. Repin Art-Memorial Museum in Chuhuiv
Izyum Museum of Local History after M.V. Sibiliov
Krasnograd Local Lore Museum named after P.D. Martinovich
Loziv Local History Museum
National Literary and Memorial Museum of H.S. Skovoroda in Skovorodynivka
National Museum of Military History of Slobozhanshchyna in Solonytsivka
Pervomaysk Local History Museum
Sakhnovshchyna Local Lore Museum
Slobozhansky Regional Museum
Valkiv Museum of Local Lore
Vovchan Historical and Local History Museum
Zmijiv Museum of Local Lore
National Art Museum named after Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko, Kyiv
Museum of Kyiv History
Belotserkovsky Local History Museum, Bila Tserkva
Kharkiv Historical Museum named after M.F. Sumtsov
Balakliya Local Lore Museum
Barvinkiv Local Lore Museum
City Museum K. I. Shulzhenko in Kharkiv
I.Y. Repin Art-Memorial Museum in Chuhuiv
Izyum Museum of Local History after M.V. Sibiliov
Krasnograd Local Lore Museum named after P.D. Martinovich
Loziv Local History Museum
National Literary and Memorial Museum of H.S. Skovoroda in Skovorodynivka
National Museum of Military History of Slobozhanshchyna in Solonytsivka
Pervomaysk Local History Museum
Sakhnovshchyna Local Lore Museum
Slobozhansky Regional Museum
Valkiv Museum of Local Lore
Vovchan Historical and Local History Museum
Zmijiv Museum of Local Lore
National Art Museum named after Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko, Kyiv
Museum of Kyiv History
Belotserkovsky Local History Museum, Bila Tserkva
Kherson Region
Kherson Regional Art Museum named after Oleksiy Shovkunenko
Kherson Regional Museum of Local Lore
Kherson Regional Museum of Local Lore
Khmelnytskyi Region
Khmelnytskyi Regional Art Museum
Khmelnytskyi Regional Museum of Local Lore
Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum-Reserve
State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Mezhybizh"
Khmelnytskyi Regional Museum of Local Lore
Kamianets-Podilskyi State Historical Museum-Reserve
State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Mezhybizh"
Kyiv Region
Historical and Memorial Museum of Mykhailo Hrushevsky in Kyiv
Taras Shevchenko National Museum
National Science and Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World - War. Memorial Complex in Kyiv
National Memorial Complex of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred - Museum of the Revolution of Dignity in
National Museum of Decorative Arts of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Museum of the History of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide in Kyiv
National Conservation Area "St. Sophia Cathedral" in Kyiv
National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Chornobyl Museum in Kyiv
State Aviation Museum named after O.K. Antonov, Kyiv
National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve Pereyaslav
National Preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra"
National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, Kyiv
Kyiv Regional Archeological Museum in Trypillia
Serge Lifar Museum (a branch of the Museum of Kyiv History)
Rzhyshchiv Museum of Archeology and Local History
State Polytechnic Museum in Kyiv
Slavutych City and Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant Museum
Makariv Local History Museum
Taras Shevchenko National Museum
National Science and Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World - War. Memorial Complex in Kyiv
National Memorial Complex of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred - Museum of the Revolution of Dignity in
National Museum of Decorative Arts of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Museum of the History of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide in Kyiv
National Conservation Area "St. Sophia Cathedral" in Kyiv
National Art Museum of Ukraine in Kyiv
National Chornobyl Museum in Kyiv
State Aviation Museum named after O.K. Antonov, Kyiv
National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve Pereyaslav
National Preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra"
National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, Kyiv
Kyiv Regional Archeological Museum in Trypillia
Serge Lifar Museum (a branch of the Museum of Kyiv History)
Rzhyshchiv Museum of Archeology and Local History
State Polytechnic Museum in Kyiv
Slavutych City and Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant Museum
Makariv Local History Museum
Luhansk Region
Luhansk Regional Museum of Local Lore
"City Museum" city of Rubizhne
Lysychansk City Museum of Local History
Popasna Museum of Local Lore named after Semen Iofe
Novopskov Regional Museum of Local Lore
Local History Museum of the Novoidari Village Council
"City Museum" city of Rubizhne
Lysychansk City Museum of Local History
Popasna Museum of Local Lore named after Semen Iofe
Novopskov Regional Museum of Local Lore
Local History Museum of the Novoidari Village Council
Lviv Region
National Museum in Lviv named after Andrey Sheptytsky
Lviv Historical Museum
Historical and Local Lore Museum of Lviv
Lviv Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum
Solomiya Krushelnytska Music Memorial Museum in Lviv
Lviv Museum of the History of Religion
Leopold Levytsky Memorial Art Museum in Lviv
Oleksa Novakivsky Memorial Art Museum in Lviv
Olena Kulchytska Art and Memorial Museum in Lviv
Art Museum "Sokalshchyna" in Chervonohrad
The Historical Complex of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv
Ivan Trush Art and Memorial Museum in Lviv
Brodivsky Historical and Local Lore Museum
Museum "Drohobychyna" in Drohobych
Mykhailo Bilas Art Museum in Truskavets
State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Naguyevychi"
Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Boykivshchyna" in Sambir
Museum of the Resort Town of Truskavets
Borys Voznytskyi Lviv National Art Gallery
Lviv Historical Museum
Historical and Local Lore Museum of Lviv
Lviv Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum
Solomiya Krushelnytska Music Memorial Museum in Lviv
Lviv Museum of the History of Religion
Leopold Levytsky Memorial Art Museum in Lviv
Oleksa Novakivsky Memorial Art Museum in Lviv
Olena Kulchytska Art and Memorial Museum in Lviv
Art Museum "Sokalshchyna" in Chervonohrad
The Historical Complex of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv
Ivan Trush Art and Memorial Museum in Lviv
Brodivsky Historical and Local Lore Museum
Museum "Drohobychyna" in Drohobych
Mykhailo Bilas Art Museum in Truskavets
State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Naguyevychi"
Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Boykivshchyna" in Sambir
Museum of the Resort Town of Truskavets
Borys Voznytskyi Lviv National Art Gallery
Mykolaiv Region
Mykolaiv Regional Art Museum named after Vasyl Vereshchagin
Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local History
Museum of Shipbuilding and the Fleet in Mykolaiv
Bashtan Museum of Local Lore
Ochakiv Museum of Marine Painting named after R.G. Sudkovsky
Military-Historical Museum named after Suvorov, Ochakiv
Mykolaiv Regional Museum of Local History
Museum of Shipbuilding and the Fleet in Mykolaiv
Bashtan Museum of Local Lore
Ochakiv Museum of Marine Painting named after R.G. Sudkovsky
Military-Historical Museum named after Suvorov, Ochakiv
Odesa Region
Olexandr Bilyi Museum of Fine Arts in Chornomorsk
Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art
Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art
Poltava Region
Bilytskyi Local History Museum
Kremenchuk Local History Museum
First Museum of the History of Uniforms in Kremenchuk
Museum of Local History, Horishni Plavni
State Historical and Cultural Reserve 'Poltava Battlefield', Poltava
Kremenchuk Local History Museum
First Museum of the History of Uniforms in Kremenchuk
Museum of Local History, Horishni Plavni
State Historical and Cultural Reserve 'Poltava Battlefield', Poltava
Sumy Region
Okhtyrka City Local History Museum
Rivne Region
Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore
Vinnytsia region
Historical and local history department of the Yampil Museum of Fine Arts
Volhynian Region
Volhyn Museum of Local Lore
Gorokhiv Historical Museum
Historical Museum of Ivanychy
Igor Stravinsky Museum in Volyn
Kamin-Kashyrskyi Local Lore Museum
Kortelisy Historical Museum
Kovel Historical Museum
Lesya Ukrainka Manor Museum in Kolodyazhny
Lopatensky Historical and Natural Museum Complex
Luboml Local Lore Museum
Manevychi Local History Museum
Museum of Agricultural History of Volyn - Skansen
Rozhyshche Museum of History and Local Lore
Torchyn Historical Museum named after H.O. Hurtovyy
Volodymyr Historical Museum named after Omelyan Dvernitsky
Novovolynsk Historical Museum
Gorokhiv Historical Museum
Historical Museum of Ivanychy
Igor Stravinsky Museum in Volyn
Kamin-Kashyrskyi Local Lore Museum
Kortelisy Historical Museum
Kovel Historical Museum
Lesya Ukrainka Manor Museum in Kolodyazhny
Lopatensky Historical and Natural Museum Complex
Luboml Local Lore Museum
Manevychi Local History Museum
Museum of Agricultural History of Volyn - Skansen
Rozhyshche Museum of History and Local Lore
Torchyn Historical Museum named after H.O. Hurtovyy
Volodymyr Historical Museum named after Omelyan Dvernitsky
Novovolynsk Historical Museum
Zaporizhian Region
"Khortytsia" National Conservation Area
Melitopol Museum Of Local Lore, under occupation
Zaporizhzhia Regional Museum of Local Lore
Huliaipole Local History Museum
Melitopol Museum Of Local Lore, under occupation
Zaporizhzhia Regional Museum of Local Lore
Huliaipole Local History Museum
Zhytomyr Region
Museum of Precious and Decorative Stones in Khorosiv
Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local Lore, Zhytomyr
Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local Lore, Zhytomyr